Mecrisp-Across Unofficial Documentation¶
What is this Website About ?¶
This website provides unofficial documentation for Mecrisp-Across, which is an Interactive Tethered Forth development tool.

This tool uses a REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) enabled by a 4-wire ‘tether’ cable from the host to the MSP430 target.
During development, the host emulates the target CPU, keeping it reset, and reads and writes target registers via the JTAG ‘tether.’
Once development is complete, the host cross-compiles a binary image for the target that does not contain Forth. When connected to the tether, the target appears to have an onboard interactive Forth; when disconnected, it runs a standalone Forth-free binary image.
The tether is a simple four-wire cable for power and signal lines
More Mecrisp-Across Detail Please ?¶
A brief history of Microprocessor development including more detail about how how Mecrisp-Across works.
The Target: MSP430xxxx¶
The Texas Instruments MSP430 family of ultra-low-power microcontrollers consists of several devices featuring different sets of peripherals targeted for various applications. The architecture, combined with five low-power modes, is optimized to achieve extended battery life in portable measurement applications. The device features a powerful 16-bit RISC CPU, 16-bit registers, and constant generators that contribute to maximum code efficiency. The digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) allows wake-up from low-power modes to active mode in less than 1 µs.
Why use the MSP430 ? How about LOW PRICES ($0.40 AUD). huge availability (NOW, during the 2021 - 2022 ‘Great Chip Shortage’) and a fantastic programmer ISA !
See Target Definitions for the complete list of Across-V0.9 MSP430 Target Words, (which you can extend).
See predefined constants I use in my custom version.
Mecrisp-Across Advanced Cross-Compiler Features¶
It’s like a interactive Gcc with Gdb.
A Blinky written in Forth compiled to a total of 36 Bytes of bootable binary image using Mecrisp-Across.
The peripherals are pre-defined, no need for memory maps, SVD’s, include or header files. They are ready to code for right away.
It generates a highly optomised bootable binary image for the target, including vector configs
There is no Forth kernel pre-install or bootloader necessary in the target hardware, it runs on a totally blank mcu.
The HOST compiler is GPL3 licensed, your target binary image license is gpl unencumbered. License it how you wish.
- Mecrisp-Across is possibly one of the strongest optimizing Forth cross compilers you have ever seen. Out of the box, it does:
Constant folding
Register allocation for both data and return stack
Dead code elimination (imagine a constant feed into case)
Register allocation across control structures
Determination which definitions are in use,
Automatic inlining of definitions used one time only
Interrupt handler framing depending on register usage
Example Target Hardware Types¶
MSP430xxxx MSP-EXP430G2 Board or a standalone home made board using the cheapest MSP430xxxx model available..

See Target Definitions for V-0.9 for the complete list of Target Words.
The Host¶
Mecrisp-Across has two choices of tether capaconsumer electronicsble Host board, the STM32F4 Discovery, the TM4C1294 Tiva Connected Launchpad. a tether-less Linux or FreeBSD PC or Laptop which you can run right now after getting the release and a tether-less Linux ARM device such as the Raspberry Pi.

- Across
- Across On Pc
- Bad F407 Mcu ?
- Introduction
- Why Mecrisp-Across is AWESOME!
- Blinkies
- Blinky Demo
- Bugs
- Chips
- Important Notes
- Compiler Magic: What Happens To Your Source Code ?
- Changing The Target Chip
- Definitions: Target V0.9
- It’s All About Timing
- Dictionary
- Stack Jugglers
- Double-Jugglers
- Logic
- Arithmetic for single numbers
- Arithmetic involving double numbers
- Arithmetic without special optimisations
- Comparisions
- Memory access
- Flags and inventory
- Compiler essentials
- Control structures
- Reset, Interrupts and Low Power Modes
- Clock setup
- Terminal-IO
- Pictured Numerical Output
- Target only tools available during development
- Predefined Port Constants
- Emails Matthias
- Color, Errors and Bell
- Further Developments
- Getting Mecrisp-Across
- How Mecrisp-Across Works
- Installing on Tiva
- Interrupts
- Jtag Id
- Kernel-efa9d4c6a5
- Licensing
- Limitations
- Low Power Modes
- Msp430-exp430g2 Launchpad Option Jumpers
- Flashing the MSP430-EXP430G2 LAUNCHPAD
- Serial Terminal
- Problems
- Dupont Cables
- Smallest Blinky, only 36 Bytes!
- Msp430f2101idwr
- MSP430G2201IRSA16R
- MSP430G2201 Counter
- MSP430 Tests
- Operation on the Tiva Board
- Optimization Analysis
- Preferred Suppliers
- Roundpcb
- Special Behaviour You Should Be Aware Of
- Mecrisp-Across Version 0.9a
- Memory Mapped Word Lists
- Timer A
- Utilities
- Wiring: Host to Target
- New Projects
- Why Use MSP430 ?
- Readme Files