Color, Errors and Bell¶
Mecrisp-Across uploads source so fast that errors are easily missed as they are not highlighted and do not ring the terminal bell.
These Words can replace the default error messages to highlight the error in RED text and ring the terminal bell.
I also wanted a GREEN coloured “ok” prompt in TARGET mode.
New Terminal Colours¶
The light blue prompt comes from recompiling mecrisp-across-0.9a-experimental/helpers/mecrisp-stellaris-stm32f407.bin by enabling
.equ color, 1
in mecrisp-stellaris-2.6.1/mecrisp-stellaris-source/stm32f407-ra/mecrisp-stellaris-stm32f407.s.
This is what you are using before switching to target mode.

Source File¶
All color additions listed below are in this one file.
mecrisp-across-0.9a-experimental/mecrisp-across-source/01 dictionary_und_compiler.txt
Unix spaces are illegal in filenames, so I replace all spaces with underlines. This doesn’t affect the “mecrisp-across-0.9a-experimental/release” command as it just sorts the files based on name.
Don’t forget to run “mecrisp-across-0.9a-experimental/release” FIRST before “release”. A easy way to make sure it worked (because Thumbulator is very limited) is to check the timestamp of the generated “mecrisp-stellaris-stm32f407-with-mecrisp-across.bin” has changed to the current time. Then just flash it to the F4 Disco Host.
ANSII Colors¶
reset [0m
black [30m
red [31m
green [32m
yellow [33m
blue [34m
magenta [35m
cyan [36m
white [37m
Implementing Colored Errors and Bell¶
Support Words¶
: esc $1B emit ; \ tp 22 feb 2022
: bell 7 emit ;
Replacement RED Error Message¶
bell esc ." [31m <original error message>" esc ." [0m"
\ token 2dup 2>r t-find 0= if space 2r> type ." not found." cr quit else rdrop rdrop then
Replace with:
token 2dup 2>r t-find 0= if space 2r> bell esc ." [31m not found" esc ." [0m" cr quit else rdrop rdrop then
Finding V0.9a Source Error Messages¶
This finds MOST of them. The directory to search is : mecrisp-across-0.9a-experimental/mecrisp-across-source
grep quit *.txt
Note: to find them ALL grep as below. There is a LOT more output.
grep '\."' *.txt
List of Source Quits¶
There are five files containing error messages:
01 dictionary_und_compiler.txt
04a1 target-speicherkarte.txt
04a2 registerverwaltung.txt
04a4 cross-registerallokator.txt
05 disassembler.txt
error messages¶
01_dictionary_und_compiler.txt: token ?dup if t-header else ." t: needs name." cr quit then
01_dictionary_und_compiler.txt: token 2dup 2>r t-find 0= if space 2r> type ." not found." cr quit else rdrop rdrop then
01_dictionary_und_compiler.txt: space 2r> type ." not found." cr quit
01_dictionary_und_compiler.txt: 2dup 2>r number16 0= if space 2r> type ." not found." cr quit else rdrop rdrop then \ Leave the literal(s) on the stack
04a1_target-speicherkarte.txt: org @ vectortable u>= if ." Flash full." cr quit then
04a2_registerverwaltung.txt: ." No free registers available. This should not happen, please report bug." quit
04a4_cross-registerallokator.txt: dup hostonly> t@ if t-name. ." is available on host only." cr quit then
04a4_cross-registerallokator.txt: ." No pure machine language primitives possible anymore. This should not happen, please report bug." cr quit
04a4_cross-registerallokator.txt: variablenpointer @ stackarea u>= if ." Ram full." cr quit then
05_disassembler.txt: jtag? @ not if ." JTAG-Connection required." cr quit then
Original Code¶
\ ts-interpret
." ok." cr
\ ts-interpret
esc ." [32m ok." esc ." [0m" cr \ green
Across-colour uploading the Timertest.fs source¶