
Stack Jugglers


nip             ( x1 x2 -- x2 )
drop            ( x -- )
rot             ( x1 x2 x3 -- x2 x3 x1 )
-rot            ( x1 x2 x3 -- x3 x1 x2 )
swap            ( x1 x2 -- x2 x1 )
tuck            ( x1 x2 -- x2 x1 x2 )
over            ( x1 x2 -- x1 x2 x1 )
?dup            ( x -- 0 | x x )
dup             ( x -- x x )
>r              ( x -- ) (R: -- x )
r>              ( -- x ) (R: x -- )
r@              ( -- x ) (R: x -- x )
rdrop           (  --  ) (R: x -- )


They perform the same for double numbers.

2drop           ( x1 x2 -- )
2dup            ( x1 x2 -- x1 x2 x1 x2 )
2swap           ( x1 x2 x3 x4 -- x3 x4 x1 x2 )


arshift         ( x1 u -- x2 ) Arithmetric right-shift of u bit-places
rshift          ( x1 u -- x2 ) Logical right-shift of u bit-places
lshift          ( x1 u -- x2 ) Logical  left-shift of u bit-places
shr             ( x1 -- x2 )   Logical right-shift of one bit-place
shl             ( x1 -- x2 )   Logical  left-shift of one bit-place
ror             ( x1 -- x2 )   Logical right-rotation of one bit-place
rol             ( x1 -- x2 )   Logical  left-rotation of one bit-place
bic             ( x1 x2 -- x3 ) Bit clear, identical to "not and"
not             ( x1 -- x2 )   Invert all bits
xor             ( x1 x2 -- x3 ) Bitwise Exclusive-OR
or              ( x1 x2 -- x3 ) Bitwise OR
and             ( x1 x2 -- x3 ) Bitwise AND
false           ( --  0 ) False-Flag
true            ( -- -1 ) True-Flag
><              ( xy -- yx )   Swap bytes

Arithmetic for single numbers

\*               ( u1|n1 u2|n2 -- u3|n3 ) 16*16 = 16 Multiplication
2*              ( n1 -- n2 ) Arithmetric  left-shift
2/              ( n1 -- n2 ) Arithmetric right-shift
negate          ( n1 -- n2 ) Negate
-               ( u1|n1 u2|n2 -- u3|n3 ) Subtraction
+               ( u1|n1 u2|n2 -- u3|n3 ) Addition

Arithmetic involving double numbers

d2*             ( d1 -- d2 ) Arithmetric  left-shift
d2/             ( d1 -- d2 ) Arithmetric right-shift
dshl            ( ud1 -- ud2 ) Logical left-shift, same as d2*
dshr            ( ud1 -- ud2 ) Logical right-shift
d-              ( ud1|d1 ud2|d2 -- ud3|d3 ) Subtraction
d+              ( ud1|d1 ud2|d2 -- ud3|d3 ) Addition

Arithmetic without special optimisations

abs             ( n -- u ) Absolute value
dabs            ( d -- ud ) Absolute value
dnegate         ( d1 -- d2 ) Negate
s>d             ( n -- d ) Makes a signed single number double length
um*             ( u1 u2 -- ud )  16*16 = 32 Multiplication
um/mod          ( ud u1 -- u2 u3 )     ud / u1 = u3 remainder u2
m*              ( n1 n2 -- d )     n1 * n2 = d
fm/mod          ( d n1 -- n2 n3 )  d / n1 = n3 remainder r2 floored
sm/rem          ( d n1 -- n2 n3 )  d / n1 = n3 remainder r2 symmetric
/mod            ( n1 n2 -- n3 n4 ) n1 / n2 = n4 rem n3
mod             ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) n1 / n2 = remainder n3
/               ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) n1 / n2 = n3
*/              ( n1 n2 n3 -- n4 )     n1 * n2 / n3 = n4
*/mod           ( n1 n2 n3 -- n4 n5 )  n1 * n2 / n3 = n5 remainder n4


u<=             ( u1 u2 -- flag )  Unsigned comparisions
u>=             ( u1 u2 -- flag )
u>              ( u1 u2 -- flag )
u<              ( u1 u2 -- flag )
<=              ( n1 n2 -- flag )    Signed comparisions
>=              ( n1 n2 -- flag )
>               ( n1 n2 -- flag )
<               ( n1 n2 -- flag )
0<              ( n - flag )         Negative ?
0<>             ( x -- flag )
0=              ( x -- flag )
<>              ( x1 x2 -- flag )
=               ( x1 x2 -- flag )

Memory access

cbit@           ( mask c-addr -- flag ) Test BIts in byte-location
bit@            ( mask a-addr -- flag ) Test BIts in word-location
cxor!           ( mask c-addr -- ) Toggle bits in byte-location
xor!            ( mask a-addr -- ) Toggle bits in word-location
cbic!           ( mask c-addr -- ) Clear BIts in byte-location
bic!            ( mask a-addr -- ) Clear BIts in word-location
cbis!           ( mask c-addr -- ) Set BIts in byte-location
bis!            ( mask a-addr -- ) Set BIts in word-location
constant  name  ( u|n -- )  Makes a single constant.
variable  name  ( n|n -- )  Makes an initialized single variable
buffer: name    ( u -- ) Creates a buffer in RAM with u bytes length
@               ( a-addr -- u|n ) Fetches single number from memory
!               ( u|n a-addr -- ) Stores single number in memory
+!              ( u|n a-addr -- ) Add to memory location
c@              ( c-addr -- char ) Fetches byte from memory
c!              ( char c-addr ) Stores byte in memory
c+!             ( u|n a-addr -- ) Add to byte memory location

Flags and inventory

inline          ( -- ) Makes current definition always inlineable.
immediate       ( -- ) Makes current definition immediate.
0-foldable      ( -- ) Current word becomes foldable with zero constants
1-foldable      ( -- ) Current word becomes foldable with one constants
2-foldable      ( -- ) Current word becomes foldable with two constants
3-foldable      ( -- ) Current word becomes foldable with three   constants
7-foldable      ( -- ) Current word becomes foldable with seven   constants

Compiler essentials

postpone name   ( -- ) Helps compiling immediate words.
does>           ( -- ) executes: ( -- a-addr ) Gives address to where you have stored data.
<builds         ( -- ) Makes Dictionary header and reserves space for special call.
create name     ( -- ) Create a constant table.
endcreate       ( -- ) Finish a constant table
]               ( -- ) Switch to compile state
[               ( -- ) Switch to execute state
;               ( -- ) Finishes new definition
: name          ( -- ) Opens new definition
,               ( u|n -- ) Appends a single number to dictionary
[char] *        ( -- char) Compiles code of following char when executed
char *          ( -- char ) gives code of following char

Control structures


flag if ... then
flag if ... else ... then

        then            ( -- )           This is the common
        else            ( -- )           flag if ... [else ...] then
        if              ( flag -- )      structure.
        ahead           ( -- )


n case
     m1   of ... endof
     m2   .. ... .....
     all others

        case            ( n -- n )       Begins case structure
        of              ( m -- )         Compares m with n, choose this if n=m
        endof           ( -- )           End of one possibility
        endcase         ( n -- )         Ends case structure, discards n

Indefinite Loops:

begin ... again
begin ... flag until
begin ... flag while ... repeat

        repeat          ( -- ) Finish of a middle-flag-checking loop.

        while           ( flag -- ) Check a flag in the middle of a loop

        until           ( flag -- ) begin ... flag until   loops until flag is true
        again           ( -- )  begin ... again is an endless loop
        begin           ( -- ) is an endless loop

Definite Loops:

limit index   do ... [one or more leave(s)] ... loop
             ?do ... [one or more leave(s)] ... loop

        j               ( -- u|n ) Gives second loop index
        i               ( -- u|n ) Gives innermost loop index

        unloop          (R: old-limit old-index -- )
                        Drops innermost loop structure,
                        pops back old loop structures to loop registers

        exit            ( -- ) Returns from current definition.
                               Compiles a ret opcode.

        leave           ( -- ) (R: old-limit old-index -- )
                        Leaves current innermost loop promptly

        loop            ( -- )
                        (R: unchanged | old-limit old-index -- )
                        Increments current loop index register by one
                        and checks whether to continue or not.

        ?do             ( Limit Index -- )
                        (R: unchanged | -- old-limit old-index )
                        Begins a loop if limit and index are not equal

        do              ( Limit Index -- )
                        (R: -- old-limit old-index )
                        Begins a loop

Reset, Interrupts and Low Power Modes

Including five low power modes.

reset           ( -- ) Reset on hardware level by triggering Watchdog

dint            ( -- ) Disables Interrupts
eint            ( -- ) Enables  Interrupts
ie1             ?
ie2             ?

lpm0            ( -- ) Enter LPM0 and enable IRQs:
                  CPU, MCLK are disabled.
                  SMCLK, ACLK are active

lpm1            ( -- ) Enter LPM1 and enable IRQs:
                  CPU, MCLK are disabled.
                  DCO and DC generator are disabled if
                  the DCO is not used for SMCLK.
                  ACLK is active.

lpm2            ( -- ) Enter LPM2 and enable IRQs:
                  CPU, MCLK, SMCLK, DCO are disabled.
                  DC generator remains enabled.
                  ACLK is active.

lpm3            ( -- ) Enter LPM3 and enable IRQs:
                  CPU, MCLK, SMCLK, DCO are disabled.
                  DC generator disabled.
                  ACLK is active.

lpm4            ( -- ) Enter LPM4 and enable IRQs:
                  CPU and all clocks disabled.

wakeup          ( -- ) Gives the current vector the ability to wake
                       from sleep modes upon return.
                       This is a flag and cannot be used conditionally

Clock setup

1MHz            ( -- )      Load DCO calibration values
8MHz            ( -- )
12MHz           ( -- )
16MHz           ( -- )


Included for MSP430G2553 and emulation

uart-init       ( -- )      Prepare UART for 9600 Baud @ 8 MHz
emit?           ( -- Flag ) Ready to send a character ?
key?            ( -- Flag ) Checks if a key is waiting
key             ( -- Char ) Waits for and fetches the pressed key
emit            ( Char -- ) Emits a character.
cr              ( -- )      Emits line feed
space           ( -- )      Emits space
hex.            ( u -- )    Prints 16 bit unsigned in hex base.

Pictured Numerical Output


Large due to a lot of dependencies !

output-base     ( -- a-addr )  Number base variable for pictured output
hold            ( char -- )  Adds character to pictured number output buffer from the front.
sign            ( n -- )  Add a minus sign to pictured number output buffer, if n is negative
#S              ( ud1|d1 -- 0 0 )  Add all remaining digits from the double length number to output buffer
#               ( ud1|d1 -- ud2|d2 )  Add one digit from the double length number to output buffer
#>              ( ud|d -- c-addr len ) Drops double-length number and finishes pictured numeric output ready for type
<#              ( -- )  Prepare pictured number output buffer
u.              ( u -- )  Print unsigned single number
.               ( n -- )  Print single number
ud.             ( ud -- )  Print unsigned double number
d.              ( d -- )  Print double number
rtype           ( addr len n -- )  Display string in field n characters wide
u.r             ( u n -- )   Print unsigned single number in field n characters wide
.r              ( n n -- )  Print single number in field n characters wide
ud.r            ( ud n -- )  Print unsigned double number in field n characters wide
d.r             ( d n -- )  Print double number in field n characters wide

Target only tools available during development

words           ( -- ) Prints list of defined words.
list            ( -- ) Prints a short overview of defined words.
.s              ( many -- many ) Prints stack contents, hexadecimal
see name        ( -- ) Insight into definitions
binary          ( -- ) Sets base to 2
decimal         ( -- ) Sets base to 10
hex             ( -- ) Sets base to 16
u.              ( u -- ) Print unsigned single number
.               ( n -- ) Print single number
bin.            ( n -- binary print ) print any number as a 16 bit binary (no bit position legend)

Predefined Port Constants

These are simply memory mapped Words, created by svd2forth-msp430

\ Memory Map file for MSP430G2553
\ created by svdcutter for Mecrisp Forth by Matthias Koch
\ sdvcutter takes a MSP430xx SVD file created by https://github.com/pftbest/msp430_svd and creates a memmap, register and config.xml file.
\ The config.xml file may be edited to control the size of the memmap file 
\ By Terry Porter copyright 2020 released under the MIT Licence.

\ ***** Flash ***** \
$128  constant  FCTL1 \ FLASH Control 1
$12A  constant  FCTL2 \ FLASH Control 2
$12C  constant  FCTL3 \ FLASH Control 3

\ ***** USCI_A0_UART_Mode ***** \
$5D  constant  UCA0ABCTL \ USCI A0 LIN Control
$5E  constant  UCA0IRTCTL \ USCI A0 IrDA Transmit Control
$5F  constant  UCA0IRRCTL \ USCI A0 IrDA Receive Control
$60  constant  UCA0CTL0 \ USCI A0 Control Register 0
$61  constant  UCA0CTL1 \ USCI A0 Control Register 1
$62  constant  UCA0BR0 \ USCI A0 Baud Rate 0
$63  constant  UCA0BR1 \ USCI A0 Baud Rate 1
$64  constant  UCA0MCTL \ USCI A0 Modulation Control
$65  constant  UCA0STAT \ USCI A0 Status Register
$66  constant  UCA0RXBUF \ USCI A0 Receive Buffer
$67  constant  UCA0TXBUF \ USCI A0 Transmit Buffer

\ ***** Watchdog_Timer ***** \
$120  constant  WDTCTL \ Watchdog Timer Control

\ ***** Comparator_A ***** \
$59  constant  CACTL1 \ Comparator A Control 1
$5A  constant  CACTL2 \ Comparator A Control 2
$5B  constant  CAPD \ Comparator A Port Disable

\ ***** Timer1_A3 ***** \
$11E  constant  TA1IV \ Timer1_A3 Interrupt Vector Word
$180  constant  TA1CTL \ Timer1_A3 Control
$182  constant  TA1CCTL0 \ Timer1_A3 Capture/Compare Control 0
$184  constant  TA1CCTL1 \ Timer1_A3 Capture/Compare Control 1
$186  constant  TA1CCTL2 \ Timer1_A3 Capture/Compare Control 2
$190  constant  TA1R \ Timer1_A3 Counter Register
$192  constant  TA1CCR0 \ Timer1_A3 Capture/Compare 0
$194  constant  TA1CCR1 \ Timer1_A3 Capture/Compare 1
$196  constant  TA1CCR2 \ Timer1_A3 Capture/Compare 2

\ ***** Timer0_A3 ***** \
$12E  constant  TA0IV \ Timer0_A3 Interrupt Vector Word
$160  constant  TA0CTL \ Timer0_A3 Control
$162  constant  TA0CCTL0 \ Timer0_A3 Capture/Compare Control 0
$164  constant  TA0CCTL1 \ Timer0_A3 Capture/Compare Control 1
$166  constant  TA0CCTL2 \ Timer0_A3 Capture/Compare Control 2
$170  constant  TA0R \ Timer0_A3 Counter Register
$172  constant  TA0CCR0 \ Timer0_A3 Capture/Compare 0
$174  constant  TA0CCR1 \ Timer0_A3 Capture/Compare 1
$176  constant  TA0CCR2 \ Timer0_A3 Capture/Compare 2

\ ***** USCI_B0_I2C_Mode ***** \
$68  constant  UCB0CTL0 \ USCI B0 Control Register 0
$69  constant  UCB0CTL1 \ USCI B0 Control Register 1
$6A  constant  UCB0BR0 \ USCI B0 Baud Rate 0
$6B  constant  UCB0BR1 \ USCI B0 Baud Rate 1
$6C  constant  UCB0I2CIE \ USCI B0 I2C Interrupt Enable Register
$6D  constant  UCB0STAT \ USCI B0 Status Register
$6E  constant  UCB0RXBUF \ USCI B0 Receive Buffer
$6F  constant  UCB0TXBUF \ USCI B0 Transmit Buffer
$118  constant  UCB0I2COA \ USCI B0 I2C Own Address
$11A  constant  UCB0I2CSA \ USCI B0 I2C Slave Address

\ ***** TLV_Calibration_Data ***** \
$10DA  constant  TLV_ADC10_1_TAG \ TLV ADC10_1 TAG
$10DB  constant  TLV_ADC10_1_LEN \ TLV ADC10_1 LEN
$10F6  constant  TLV_DCO_30_TAG \ TLV TAG_DCO30 TAG
$10F7  constant  TLV_DCO_30_LEN \ TLV TAG_DCO30 LEN

\ ***** ADC10 ***** \
$48  constant  ADC10DTC0 \ ADC10 Data Transfer Control 0
$49  constant  ADC10DTC1 \ ADC10 Data Transfer Control 1
$4A  constant  ADC10AE0 \ ADC10 Analog Enable 0
$1B0  constant  ADC10CTL0 \ ADC10 Control 0
$1B2  constant  ADC10CTL1 \ ADC10 Control 1
$1B4  constant  ADC10MEM \ ADC10 Memory
$1BC  constant  ADC10SA \ ADC10 Data Transfer Start Address

\ ***** USCI_B0_SPI_Mode ***** \
$68  constant  UCB0CTL0 \ USCI B0 Control Register 0
$69  constant  UCB0CTL1 \ USCI B0 Control Register 1
$6A  constant  UCB0BR0 \ USCI B0 Baud Rate 0
$6B  constant  UCB0BR1 \ USCI B0 Baud Rate 1
$6D  constant  UCB0STAT \ USCI B0 Status Register
$6E  constant  UCB0RXBUF \ USCI B0 Receive Buffer
$6F  constant  UCB0TXBUF \ USCI B0 Transmit Buffer

\ ***** USCI_A0_SPI_Mode ***** \
$60  constant  UCA0CTL0 \ USCI A0 Control Register 0
$61  constant  UCA0CTL1 \ USCI A0 Control Register 1
$62  constant  UCA0BR0 \ USCI A0 Baud Rate 0
$63  constant  UCA0BR1 \ USCI A0 Baud Rate 1
$64  constant  UCA0MCTL \ USCI A0 Modulation Control
$65  constant  UCA0STAT \ USCI A0 Status Register
$66  constant  UCA0RXBUF \ USCI A0 Receive Buffer
$67  constant  UCA0TXBUF \ USCI A0 Transmit Buffer

\ ***** Special_Function ***** \
$  constant  IE1 \ Interrupt Enable 1
$1  constant  IE2 \ Interrupt Enable 2
$2  constant  IFG1 \ Interrupt Flag 1
$3  constant  IFG2 \ Interrupt Flag 2

\ ***** Port_3_4 ***** \
$10  constant  P3REN \ Port 3 Resistor Enable
$18  constant  P3IN \ Port 3 Input
$19  constant  P3OUT \ Port 3 Output
$1A  constant  P3DIR \ Port 3 Direction
$1B  constant  P3SEL \ Port 3 Selection
$43  constant  P3SEL2 \ Port 3 Selection 2

\ ***** Calibration_Data ***** \
$10F8  constant  CALDCO_16MHZ \ DCOCTL  Calibration Data for 16MHz
$10F9  constant  CALBC1_16MHZ \ BCSCTL1 Calibration Data for 16MHz
$10FA  constant  CALDCO_12MHZ \ DCOCTL  Calibration Data for 12MHz
$10FB  constant  CALBC1_12MHZ \ BCSCTL1 Calibration Data for 12MHz
$10FC  constant  CALDCO_8MHZ \ DCOCTL  Calibration Data for 8MHz
$10FD  constant  CALBC1_8MHZ \ BCSCTL1 Calibration Data for 8MHz
$10FE  constant  CALDCO_1MHZ \ DCOCTL  Calibration Data for 1MHz
$10FF  constant  CALBC1_1MHZ \ BCSCTL1 Calibration Data for 1MHz

\ ***** Port_1_2 ***** \
$20  constant  P1IN \ Port 1 Input
$21  constant  P1OUT \ Port 1 Output
$22  constant  P1DIR \ Port 1 Direction
$23  constant  P1IFG \ Port 1 Interrupt Flag
$24  constant  P1IES \ Port 1 Interrupt Edge Select
$25  constant  P1IE \ Port 1 Interrupt Enable
$26  constant  P1SEL \ Port 1 Selection
$27  constant  P1REN \ Port 1 Resistor Enable
$28  constant  P2IN \ Port 2 Input
$29  constant  P2OUT \ Port 2 Output
$2A  constant  P2DIR \ Port 2 Direction
$2B  constant  P2IFG \ Port 2 Interrupt Flag
$2C  constant  P2IES \ Port 2 Interrupt Edge Select
$2D  constant  P2IE \ Port 2 Interrupt Enable
$2E  constant  P2SEL \ Port 2 Selection
$2F  constant  P2REN \ Port 2 Resistor Enable
$41  constant  P1SEL2 \ Port 1 Selection 2
$42  constant  P2SEL2 \ Port 2 Selection 2

\ ***** System_Clock ***** \
$53  constant  BCSCTL3 \ Basic Clock System Control 3
$56  constant  DCOCTL \ DCO Clock Frequency Control
$57  constant  BCSCTL1 \ Basic Clock System Control 1
$58  constant  BCSCTL2 \ Basic Clock System Control 2

\ ***** _INTERRUPTS ***** \