Bad F407 Mcu ?

There is a problematic MCU used in the very early STM32F407 Discovery Boards which causes Mecrisp-Across to throw an exception when flashing the MSP430 Target.

Otherwise, Mecrisp-Across works fine in host and target mode, and the compiled image can be flashed to the target using a MSP-EXP430G2 Board.

This problem MCU was mentioned here in 2015: and experienced by User Maciek with Mecrisp-Across.

From 2015 ChibiOS (hal_lld.c)
#if defined(STM32_USE_REVISION_A_FIX)
/* Some old revisions of F4x MCUs randomly crashes with compiler
    optimizations enabled AND flash caches enabled. */
 if ((DBGMCU->IDCODE == 0x20006411) && (SCB->CPUID == 0x410FC241))

Problem MCU

DBGMCU_IDCODE == $20006411


This is best read on chip with Mecrisp-Stellaris (as below) because eternal readers like ST-Link have given inconsistent values on a bad board.

Detection Program

This program can be run on any F4 Disco Board running Mecrisp-Stellaris, or Mecrisp-Across in HOST mode only. It should give the “OK” or alert the board has the problem MCU.


tested on a problem board, but works on a good board.


\ ------------------------------------------------------------
\ Program Name: badf407?.fs
\ Date: 10 March 2022
\ Copyright 2022  T.Porter licensed under the GPL
\ For Mecrisp-Across by Matthias Koch
\  features:
\ chip: STM32F407
\ Documents: see section  33.6.1 MCU device DBGMCU_IDCODE in Reference manual RM0090
\ and PM0215, section: 4.3 System control block (SCB)
\ Aim: Detect bad early silicon version that crashes when Mecrisp-Across tries to flash the Target
\ Note: on Mecrisp-Across, run this in HOST mode only.
\ ------------------------------------------------------------


$E0042000 constant DBGMCU_IDCODE    \ good 10016413 ; bad 20006411
$E000ED00 constant SCB_CPUID       \ STM32F407 = 410FC241

: bad-f407? ( -- )     \ can it run Mecrisp-Across without crashing when flashing the target ?
   SCB_CPUID @ $410FC241 =
          if ." Chip is a STM32F405xx/07xx or STM32F415xx/17xx "
          else ." WRONG MCU MODEL ! " quit
          then cr

   DBGMCU_IDCODE @ dup 10016413 =
              if ." Known good DBGMCU_IDCODE, MCU works with Mecrisp-Across ."
              else $20006411 =
                 if ." Known BAD DBGMCU_IDCODE, this STM32F407 MCU may CRASH Mecrisp-Across."
                 else ." Unknown DBGMCU_IDCODE, probably works with Mecrisp-Across, only testing will confirm ."


Running the Test Program

To run, enter:
